This is the work of IJM Studio. Via hoi pippo.
What say we all agree to construct one of these book trees in our homes and call it a day as far as the Christmas prep goes? I'm already starting to feel a little overwhelmed. I've got two days to put together that wretched Martha Stewart paper cottage/advent calendar I recently bought for Luke. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I should know better than to tangle with Martha. Six years ago I tried to construct a Christmas castle she'd made out of sugar cubes. Actually, she'd made hers out of special sugar tablets which were more brick-like in shape. I couldn't find any of those so I opted to use regular old sugar cubes instead. Big mistake. They threw all the measurements off and everything went wonky. I worked away on the thing for weeks -- literally weeks -- before I dumped it all in the garbage one night in a fit of temper. This was the Christmas right after 9/11. It was an emotionally difficult time for all of us. That's my excuse. For thinking it was a good idea to build a Christmas castle out of sugar cubes in the first place, not for the fit of temper.
I want to be a crafting queen. But I most emphatically am not. If you've ever clicked on the links in my blogroll, you'll know I've included a number of sites that display the gorgeous handmade items of craft bloggers. Some people surf porn sites. I surf craft ones. Drooling in perhaps a similar way.
And now that I've taken a closer look at the book tree, I'm starting to think that it looks deceptively simple. It might be harder to pull off than I originally thought. Unless I enlist the help of my resident architect. He's very familiar with the material: