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February 08, 2008



I went to have a look at what books they are offering - the fact that Olivia is on the list made me more curious than I might have been.
But if you look at the books offered (as you say Sponge Bob & some pirate crap), you can see they are products rather than something that has been "authored." And even poor Ian Falconer has his name left off the front of his own book. Or is it now a "book"?

Stephany Aulenback

Yes, the more I think about the books on offer, the less excited I am. Why would I spend fifty dollars on the stylus if it only reads one book of any quality. I still think the idea of the stylus is fabulous -- they simply need to make it work with more and better books. If they don't do it now, someone else with similar technology will soon. I'm surprised, actually, that it's a toy company who's come out with this first and not a computer one. I really do think it'd be a very useful tool in the classroom, used judiciously, of course.


It seems I have lost the Cars disc for my leapfrog tag-is there a code somewhere in the book so that I can download from internet?

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