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February 12, 2008



That Maisy article is very funny, thanks for linking to it.


The world around me right now (yet another snowstorm) inspires me to go back to bed. Shame I'm at work, where I have no bed.


My son loves Maisy, too. I don't mind the Maisy books, but I agree that the illustrations aren't very good. Of course, my son only likes the ones with the flaps. I brought one home that didn't have flaps and he kept looking for the flaps until he gave up in despair. We have Maisy's Amazing Book of Words and we used to read through it, but now my son brings out the book to read one word only - lawn mower. It gets a little tedious. But I guess that doesn't have anything to do with Maisy.


I giggled all through that article. Auslander is a marvellous writer.


I found the Maisy illustrations grew on me, actually; didn't see the point at first, now I love them. And the little TV cartoons are great, they've voiced by Neil Morrissey (sp?) who used to be the dim one in Men Behaving Badly, if that means anything to a US audience.

Stephanie, I have slightly cringingly passed on to you one of those 'you make my day' blog awards -- see my blog for details but please feel free to ignore it if that's not the kind of thing you do. It's my first time so I couldn't suppress the urge.


Maisy fan says hi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU-IgH5cM5c

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