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August 24, 2008



How fascinating! Thanks for that connection.

A new LM Montgomery bio is coming out this Fall-- October? I'm looking forward to it.


I'm looking forward to that one, too. I think you'd probably really enjoy the Gammel book, K.

Rebecca J. Cain

I had first got hooked on Anne's charming portrayal in the PBS series, I then consumed every book I could find that was written by Maud. I was given my 1st favorite anniversary present ever- a trip to PEI with my 4 month old (now 14 years old)in tow. It wasn't until now that I rediscovered Maud in taking a college writing class. I am giving a presentation following my final report on Anne of Green Gables tonight. In performing my research, the "veil" of admiration and naivete was lifted. Suddenly, I realized that I have more regard for the whole literary world. Thank you world.


I hope your presentation went well, Rebecca. Thanks for stopping by.

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