My mother emailed to tell me I am wrong about the purpose of the Baby on Board sign:
The sign is not just for the safety of the baby. It's to let the other drivers know that they should keep their distance because there is an exhausted, crazy parent in front of them who may be driving with one hand and trying to insert a soother into the mouth of a howling baby. Or there may be a parent wildly driving off the side of the road suddenly because the baby just projectile-vomited all over the back seat and rear window and is now howling and choking. Or there was a sudden explosion of poop and all the passengers in the car are gagging and gasping - especially the crazed parent driver. So you see, the sign is not for the benefit of the baby but for all those other drivers that must be prepared for the baby on board car suddenly driving erratically or slamming on the brakes. It's a heads up - give the poor slob parent of the baby a break - the parent is sleep deprived, exhausted, frustrated and trying to do ten things including driving all at the same time!
Oh. In the comments, mbandy echoed my mom's sentiments exactly. And, on a more serious note, Steph Burgis remarked that in the UK the police and fire services recommend that people put them on their cars so they'll know to look for a baby if there's an accident. Makes sense.
In today's news, I am trying (and mainly failing) to start a new diet and exercise program. It's startling how much this affects my mental stability -- I'd remembered that it would be physically demanding but I'd forgotten how psychologically difficult it is as first. I'm ready to kill myself or someone else. And then eat him. Which is perhaps why I found this roast turkey baby costume (via Sara O'Leary) so disturbing.
If you want to make one for yourself, the directions are on the Martha Stewart site. Martha's really into Halloween. Perhaps she'll go as the drug-addled babysitter of urban lore and serve this little guy up at her next Halloween dinner party.
Turkey baby is going to haunt my dreams.
Posted by: Sue | October 21, 2009 at 03:05 PM
Isn't that just the creepiest thing?
And don't diet - you look great. No, really.
I agree with your comment (sidebar) about not needing pictures books to be proscriptive. That's what cranky parents are for.
I'm sending you the link for a really interesting article about picture books from a few years back. It's Don Gillmor, writing in the Walrus and here's the link:
Posted by: Sara O'Leary | October 21, 2009 at 06:26 PM