Sylvie and I were in the dollar store this morning, where we picked up Easter grass and these adorable felt flowers on wire stems. I think they were $1.25 for five flowers. When we got home we spent five minutes making this flower crown. We cut a piece of green construction paper in half, taped two ends together, wrapped it around Sylvie's head and then taped it to fit. We removed it and used a glue stick to attach the grass. The wire stems of the felt flowers are taped inside the crown. Easy peasy, if a little messy-looking. (We had to take the photos in the bathroom because she wanted to look in the mirror.)
I also came up with a simpler one using a Goody headband we already had. For this, I had to bend the stems of the flowers to make them a bit shorter. Sylvie put the headband on first and then I simply tucked the flowers inside it.
As always, click on any photo for a closer look.